Here I was at the end of my pregnancy, in full bloom so to speak! I was definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore, but no one could have prepared me for the new life ahead! Here is Keane just after he was born at 9 lbs 5 oz. He was born by ceasarean after a long unsuccessful induction which luckily was not painful as I decided to go with an epidural before they did the hormone drip. In hindsight it was a wise deceision because after over 18 hours of labor, I had only dilated 3 centimetrers which they informed me did not even constitute "established labor" so they were able to top up the epidural and present me with a beautifil baby boy on my chest within about 15 minutes. The wait was over, and our little (well not so little)
Friday, October 26, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
My Pregnancy
Here are some pictures of me as I grow bigger and BIGGER! I am certainly getting pretty big these days. It is now beginning to get a bit difficult to get into the car or to get up off of the couch which is funny. The last picture was taken on our last baby-free holiday to the Isle of Wight at the beginning of April when I was about 30 weeks pregnant. I'm now 35 weeks but certainly bigger than I was then. I am lucky to have had 2 baby showers, one via skype with my American family back home and one yesterday with friends and English family. We started our pre-natal classes and have met some nice people, and I also have a good friend who is due a couple weeks before me and also having a boy which is nice. We had a nice holiday for a week just the two of us before Easter, and we are now working on getting the baby room ready. It's all starting to feel real now since I only have about 5 weeks to go!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
It's a Boy!

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