Friday, October 26, 2012

The End and the Beginning

Here I was at the end of my pregnancy, in full bloom so to speak!  I was definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore, but no one could have prepared me for the new life ahead!  Here is Keane just after he was born at 9 lbs  5 oz.  He was born by ceasarean after a long unsuccessful induction which luckily was not painful as I decided to go with an epidural before they did the hormone drip.  In hindsight it was a wise deceision because after over 18 hours of labor, I had only dilated 3 centimetrers which they informed me did not even constitute "established labor" so they were able to top up the epidural and present me with a beautifil baby boy on my chest within about 15 minutes.  The wait was over, and our little (well not so little)