Friday, January 30, 2009
Alpha Course

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Health Professions Council

Note: this picture is the logo for the HPC and not some random metaphor for all the pieces finally fitting together in our new life (although it is a clever piece of symbolism, get it "piece")!
"Only in America!"

Well aside from that and some other not-so-realistic representations, Stephen Fry did find a rather amusing difference between the Brits and the Americans that can be discussed with reference to this little phrase, "Only in America!" Now, think, when would you say that? Would you say it to mean that America is crazy and nothing goes right or that America is great and anything can happen? You choose. Quick because I am going to tell you the answer. 1 more second....time's up! Ok, it is usually used to refer to how great things are in America because of a cool thing that happens i.e. (this one's for New Jerseyans) You get to a diner very late at night and you know for sure you can still order your favorite chocolate chip pancakes which will just about hit the spot after a long hard drive through traffic on the parkway, and as you bite into the first mouthful, you thankfully and simultaneously exclaim (with a mouth full of pancake), "Ah, Only in America!" For those of you from different states, insert your own pleasurable American custom followed by the exclamation. You get my meaning right! It's like oh, yeah this is what is great about living in America, no where else can you get this feeling, opportunity etc.
Well, guess what! They have a similar phrase on the other side of the pond that goes like this, "Only in Britain!" Do you know how they use it? Right now you are wracking your brain trying to think of major benefits to living in the UK that compare to chocolate chip pancakes, I know, but here is an example. You are on vacation; you are headed to the beach, it is about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and it is August, the weather forecast is good; you get to your spot, lay down your blanket, run into the ocean for a quick icy dip, run back, pop open your picnic basket just as it starts to rain, and you say to yourself as you open your umbrella, determined to enjoy your sandwich, "Ugh Only in Britain!" Yes, you see, it is a much different sentiment for the people of Great Britain. Yes, they like some things about their country, but honestly they do seem to think too much about the US. They watch all our movies and shows for goodness sake. They know the grass is often greener in the US. Ok well maybe not the grass everywhere in the US, but you have to remember it rains pretty much every day in Britain so they are bound to have greener grass!
The moral of the story to all you Americans reading this is, be happy that in your country you can say, "Only in America" with a smile and pride because of your land of opportunity, whilst over in Britain, there are loads of wet Britainians grumbling about the weather over a pint in a dark, smelly pub sighing, "Only in Britain!"
Incidentally the picture of Stephen Fry here is of him in the beautiful desert of Arizona or New Mexico or something but the thing is this is one of those defining images and it happens, "Only in America!"
Country Walks
Monday, January 26, 2009
Recently Read: Waking the Dead

Recently Read: A Long Way Gone

Friday, January 23, 2009
The Rain in Spain?

But the funny thing is that the English are notorious for talking about the weather, even (I might add) when there is nothing interesting to talk about which is pretty much all the time. The weather is pretty constant I think compared to what we got back in NJ, so I ask you- What is there to talk about and Why do they do it then? The answer for this is a simple one, and it goes back to another traditional English custom. They do not talk about ANYTHING personal if at all possible. This I have found to be true, and I am sure that many English folk would agree with me that this is a common custom. Thus they resort to talking about the weather to avoid asking more personal questions such as, "How are you and how is your family?" etc. You get the point, the weather is just about as personal as many people get around here.
For someone like me who craves human interaction and relationships that are meaningful, that becomes extremely frustrating and difficult. How can they cope, without relating personally to another human being? I don't know, but one thing is for sure, if there was more acceptance of going to counseling or therapy of any sort, they would ALL have to go just to get their feelings (if they have any) out! I am sure that they do have feelings, but I believe that many of them push them so far underneath the surface that they do not even realize that they are there. I would consider this unhealthy, but many of the older generation especially lives that way and seems to survive. Whereas the younger generation may be changing the way of the American style of really talking to each other and relating to each other. I am hoping that I can be a pioneer in this social change and contribute much to this culture and its emotional development. So hold onto your hats, England, the winds are about to change and the only thing that may remain truly constant just might be the rain in the winter!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Hatfield Forest
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My New Car!
Say hello to my little friend! Yes, this is it; it's a 1993 Vauxhall Astra with 66,000 miles on it. It's not the youngest tool in the shed or the smartest chicken, but it will get me around town and maybe beyond, and the best part is: It's an Automatic! Yes, I know that everyone drives stick here, but I thought it would be better to master the WRONG side of the road first, and then tackle shifting gears so I can pass my test eventually. We bought the car from the mechanic where the Webb family traditionally shops for cars, so hopefully it will not disappoint, but if it does, we are only 25o quid (like "bucks" but for pounds) down. All in all, another answer to prayer! Not to mention the fact that this picture was taken about 4:30pm when last week it would have already been dark, so the days are getting longer, hurrah!
Sick of Sponge

BTW: If anyone is interested, this is a picture of a Victoria Sponge cake named for Queen Victoria (because she liked it). It was named for her after she and some other ladies started the tradition of tea time in the afternoon around 4:00 which has become a traditional British standard (although now somewhat old fashioned). Also, the British standard for creating a proper sponge cake is from a recipe is as follows: 4 oz. flour, 4 oz. sugar, 4 oz. butter and 2 eggs with larger cakes being a doubling of this recipe as required.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Poetry Frozen in Time
of cavernous damp
the mold of old years
corroding me
like a plague
I can't cure.
then suddenly
there is a stirring,
stinging in my feet
my knees though weak
wish to spring forward
to run, but where?
can't move
almost out of air
what if this is my last breath?
By: Marissa Grace Pajot (my pen name)
circa November 2008
Those thoughts are now frozen in time just like my photo of the frosted branch. There is nothing I can do but look at that picture of my life at that moment and know that, sometimes that is just the way things are. Sorry for those of you who were hoping for something fun and happy this time. I hope to do more soon. Maybe I will write something else that is not so depressing. Maybe.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Frozen Webbs
Monday, January 12, 2009
A New Favorite Christmas Hymn
From The Squalor of a Borrowed Stable (Immanuel)
By: Stuart Townend
From the squalor of a borrowed stable,
By the spirit and a virgin's faith;
To the anguish and the shame of scandal
Came the Saviour of the human race!
But the skies were filled with the praise of heav'n,
Shepherds listen as the angels tell
Of the Gift of God come down to man
At the dawning of Immanuel
King of heaven now the Friend of sinners,
Humble servant in the Father's hands,
Filled with power and the Holy Spirit,
Filled with mercy for the broken man
Yes. He walked my road and He felt my pain,
Joys and sorrows that I know so well;
Yet His righteous steps give me hope again
I will follow my Immanuel!
Through the kisses of a friend's betrayal,
He was lifted on a cruel cross;
He was punished for the world's transgressions,
He was suffering to save the lost
He fights for breath, He fights for me
Loosing sinners from the claims of hell;
And with a shout our souls are free
Death defeated by Immanuel!
Now He's standing in the place of honour,
Crowned with glory on the highest throne,
Interceding for His own beloved
Till His Father calls us to bring him home!
Then the skies will part as the trumpet sounds
Hope of heaven or the fear of hell;
But the Bride will run to her Lover's arms,
Giving glory to Immanuel!
Wintry Scenes
Monday, January 5, 2009
In the Studio
Our Getaway Chalet
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Owl Friends
Happy New Year!
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