I also just read
Waking the Dead by John Eldridge which was very interesting. It takes a look at why some or perhaps many Christians are living lives that are almost DEAD spiritually without really being sure what to do about it. They may feel a bit of malaise or some boredom now and then but they don't necessarily feel depressed (although they might). This is a situation that I think anyone can find them in if they are not careful and deliberate about their spiritual and emotional self. That may sound very self-centered, but it makes a lot of sense. When we are at our most healthy in those aspects we can end up offering the most to others and often the opposite is also true unfortunately. The book is not about "pampering yourself", but it does
wake you up to the fact that you need to be in tune to yourself in a way that incorporates your whole being spiritually, emotionally, relationally and physically. It is an encouraging book but at the same time a challenging one. So read it and see if you can learn something new. I know I do not want to be dead anymore, not even asleep, I want to be fully alive and I think you might too!
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