There is also a video that goes along with this picture advertising the series which can be viewed on facebook. Check out the following link to view the page entitled "Heat: The Series" http://www.facebook.com/pages/HEAT-the-Series/45687008546
This page contains the promo video, desktop media, iPhone wallpaper and an online invitation to send to your friends through facebook. The invites are guy and girl, meaning an image of a girl's legs or a guy's chest to be aimed at each gender group. I don't know about you girls, but something spicy like this image with Barbie legs on it or a Ken doll's chest does not look like something that would entice me. I don't see the point in the desktop wallpaper because it seems like a really "Christian" way of getting degrading fleshy (albeit cartoons) representational images into your electronic toys. The video contains "pron" style music played over a cartoon-like scene of 3 guys on the beach checking out the hot legs of Barbie walking past even including a zoom in on her upper thighs. Is all this necessary? In fact, it makes me sad and concerned that this is apparently the chosen option for encouraging people to come and hear great truth from the word of God. Please check out the facebook page so you will see what I mean. Is there a positive effect that this can have on your soul? If you just read this post, you may get the impression that I am just being righteously indignant for no reason, but check it out, think about it and then respond with what God puts on your heart. Here are some verses for inspiration:
Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
4Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Romans 12:2 (NIV)
2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
1 Corinthians 2:11-13 (NIV)
11For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.James 4:4-5 (NIV)
4You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely?
John 17:13-15 (New International Version)
13"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. 14I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
Conclusion: I think we need to watch out that our message is true, honest and clear about what God says and more importantly who He is! I would be ashamed to invite friends to this series just because of the promo stuff; it seems like false advertising to me. We aren't selling sex are we? We are encouraging learning and growing in the truth of God and Christian living in 2009. So if you are a friend of Liquid Church, please pray for its leaders and God's hand in what is going on there. It is a great thing to be a growing church, and pray that God will continue to bless people involved and coming in for their first encounter with God and that it would be a place where people can meet with God and worship Him and learn about Him without anything getting in the way!
Hey Marissa-- How GREAT to hear from you, sistah! Hope your sojourn in England is going well (it's crazy cold here as I expect it is there too). I appreciate your feedback about the trailer for our new series HEAT-- it's definitely raising some eyebrows (as we'd hoped), but not for the reasons you note below.
The "sexual imagery" you reference are actually all Barbie Dolls plucked directly from my 6-year old daughter's collection. One of the Big Ideas of this series is that our culture conditions us-- from early childhood on!-- to react (for good or bad) to idealized physical appearances. We're hoping to actually punch a hole in the "Sex Sells" mantra, exposing how much our world manipulates & distorts Godly Sexuality-- using it to sell everything from dolls to shampoo!
(This is actually the Big Idea of the opening message this Sunday 2/8!)
I hope you'll get a chance to watch Part 1 of "HEAT" this weekend LIVE via our Internet Campus-- http://internetcampus.liquidchurch.com/pages/page.asp?page_id=53839
I'd welcome your feedback once you've had the opportunity to experience the series first-hand... and lemme know if we were able to expose our culture's distortions and "re-frame" the conversation about sex.
Our big goal is to "steal back" the issue from the world-- and reveal the power & beauty God designed it to have as the ultimate expression of sacrifice & intimacy within the covenant of marriage. (that may be shooting for the moon-- but we're gonna try anyway! ;-)
Up with Marriage! Up with Sex! (just not the way the world does it ;-)
Lemme know what you think, sistah,
Blessings to you & Tim,
Tim Lucas
Lead Pastor, Liquid Church
NOw it's cool to comment after reading both Riss' and Pastor Tim's posts, and after having seen Part 1 of the series. Being that I know both of you, it's easy to say there is no ill intent in Liquid's promo nor in Marissa's criticism. WIth that said, these are my thoughts:
I think Liquid does "go for it" a alot and isn't afraid to "shoot forthe moon." Lofty goals are wonderful to have. The results of high goals and "riskier" or non-traditional ways of promoting a church series can go several ways.
There can be the backlash by Christians who think such "taboo" topics should not be discussed, as Tim mentioned in the sermon. What's worse, to me, are the reactions that only see the surface, the "How can a church have a billboard like that..." reax where Christians and people in general, don't really bother to look more deeply into something- see U2 and a lot of art done by Christians (possibly my upcoming theatre group). YOu can't cater to nor please everyone, that doesn't work.
There's the reax that it's just a church going for spectacle approach like the big Hollywood film with car chases, explosions, and boob shots.
THen, there are prob those who aren't church goers and think it's just stupid, or those who wonder that this church is doing something different and their "weird," but not in the typically Christian way.
Unfortunately, some Christians aren't often willing to look beneath the surface and they limit God in what he can do. You have to, in a way, ignore these people and trust you're doing what God wants you to do.
Personally, I think Liquid does that, esp. having been there as long as I have and having seen Tim travel the road he has almost from Liquid's inception; I'm probably one of few who have been there from the beginning with a year or two hiatus after marriage.
Liquid has made it's mistakes, but that comes with being dangerous, and willing to take risks. Greater risk sometimes has greater rewards. I think handing out water at the gay pride parade several years ago was a success that I'm sure met with more opposition from CHristians than non-CHristians. Again, limiting God and not looking deeper.
As forthe HEAT promo itself. LEx and I thought it was a little cheesy but funny too. THere's no way that Liquid would use a real women, might cause stumbling and def. send the wrong message. I'm not gonna think of some real chick's leg by looking at Barbie's. IN a way though, using kid's toys really fits b/c society's view of sex, love, and marriage is often very childish. The Bible talks about drinking milk and not being ready for meat. THis could pertain to non-CHristians and CHristians both being too childish to understand the reality behind love, sex and marriage, sex actually being the closest connection a man and woman within marriage can have to God.
Also, to combat the opinion that Liquid has done this all before and just recycling old garbage. Thisis an important topic, one that needs reiterating and that often. I'm still waiting for the series on gluttony. Neither of you brought this up, I'm just saying.
In closing, I'll say that we can't be afraid to take risks as GOd's people and sometimes those risks may result in mistakes, or moreso someone being offended. But if they're offended at truth, we've done our job. If they're offended due to ignorance, that's their problem. We have to challenge Christians and non-CHristians alike. Thanks for your time.
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