So This month has marked the half-year that we have been living in England.
Woohoo! Well, not exactly. Most of you who have been reading know that things have NOT gone amazingly smoothly all the time we have been here. For one thing, I haven't even started working yet and we are barely earning any money. That has been tough. As I remember what we were thinking when we decided to move here, I think it is much more than we bargained for and then some. We are still hoping to move out of the in-laws house as soon as Tim gets a job lined up. We are hoping that will be beginning of the summer. We might live here in
Stansted or we might move to Bishop's
Stortford where our church is and where it is a bit more busy. This picture here is pretty much the down town of
Stansted which is where the train station is. There are maybe 2 traffic lights in the village, but not even any roundabouts either. It's more of a , -get to the intersection see who's coming and go- kind of thing with driving in
Stansted. Oh yeah and this building is the King's Arms, a pub, one of 3 that I know of in
Stansted. Bet you like the little mini castle tower effect! So anyway we are looking forward to getting a place of our own with or without a castle tower (just kidding), but we are looking for a small house with character. This is mainly because it's either that or a small house
without character! It should be fun!
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