I have just finished reading a book by Jennifer Rees Larcombe who is an famous English Christian speaker and writer. She came from a Christian family heavily involved in ministry and quite famous in the UK. Her story is about a lot of things in her life. This is a book she wrote much after many of her other ones about God healing her and other spiritual topics. This one is very personal though. She admits a lot about herself and her difficulties and what is really going on under the surface of a life like hers. She has certainly been through a lot, but the great thing about the book isn't that she dealt with everything amazingly well and God just brought her through it and made everything work out (cause a lot didn't) but that she told how she learned things from simple occurrences in her life and how she processed through them going through all kinds of phases and learning to accept different things along the way. I can't really describe it well, but it is very interesting and encouraging for anyone living a Christian life.
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