This is a program that is on in the fall which explores all around England in terms of the natural happenings of the season with discussions about animals etc. There are a lot of viewers who write in about different things they are seeing and with questions they would like answered. These guys try to advise people about what to plant and what to harvest etc. They also have a program like this in the spring called....Spring Watch of course! Today I went for a walk with the local history society doing a "field study" which felt a bit like an autumn watch in Stansted. We walked all around the village and looked at the sites of Stansted which have history attached to them as well as natural interests. We saw the sites of old bridges, where old town shops used to be and houses etc. before the railroad came to Stansted. We also saw a badgers latrine (very interesting) which taught us about the varied diet of the badgers as well as their cleanliness evidenced by the fact that their toilet was pretty far away from their home and they appear to always go in the same spot. We walked for a while, but pretty slowly considering I was the only participant under age 50! I also have a cold so I was sniffling all the way and was really running out of tissues by the time we finished. Anyway, I ended up at my mum-in-law's for a "lemsip" which is a drinkable medicine for colds orignially with lemon flavor, but mine was black currant. We had a very civilized tea and a chat and then I walked home feeling very villagey. Now I am back at home trying to get the jokes in an old program called Dad's Army which Tim likes but I don't really understand. I am coughing a lot so I will stop writing now and make another cuppa.
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