Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting Acquainted

Getting acquainted with a new location is very important! It is also very important that you find things that are familiar to you so that you can experience the old with the new which is much more comforting than being thrown into an entirely new situation without any familiar aspects to cling on to for reassurance. For example, the simple act of going to Starbucks makes me feel like I am still a coffee drinking, book reading, smart, fun and intelligent person like I used to be when I used to sit at Starbucks back in NJ. Without this, I am liable to end up feeling completely stupid because I can barely even cross the street without fear of getting run over. I am doing better with that anyway little by little. Pictured above is my Starbucks coffee mug (the very eco-conscious British tradition) alongside my book from the charity shop about someone who moves from Scotland to Mallorca, Spain and experiences various interesting circumstances with culture shock, a new language and of course the weather! On top of the book is my new English mobile which is a very basic model, and I mainly use for texts as is the custom here. So needless to say, I am trying my best to fit in and remain as I was simultaneously!

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