the 5
th of November, 1605, a man named Guy
Fawkes tried to burn down the Houses of Parliament but was caught and then executed. For this reason, every 5
th of November the English celebrate the memorable event also called Bonfire Night when they light fireworks and create a Guy out of old clothes and newspapers and sew on some kind of head (ends up looking like a scarecrow I guess) and burn him on a huge bonfire. The man is infamous and gets burned to death every year just top make the point and punish him all over again. There is a saying that says, "Remember, remember the 5
th of November!" And the advice there is never try to burn down the Houses of Parliament because you will get caught and humiliated well after your death! Well anyway, we actually did not have a guy on a bonfire but did go to see some fireworks last night and also set off some fireworks at one of Tim's friend's house on Friday which was fun. I am so used to having fireworks on the 4
th of July that the cold weather and all seems very different to me. It was fun anyway, but I have to say the fireworks were not as big and spectacular as they are back in the States but still a fun evening out.
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