Recently, I have been learning how to crochet using plastic bags. To date, I have only made one bag for myself, but have started collecting more bags to use for the same purpose. The great thing is that these bags can be used for anything. You can make large to medium to small bags using plastic yarn "plarn" and you can even line them with fabric to extend their life. I think it is a great idea. Just look at this picture from the Daily Mail. This family is going to take all those bags home about once a week right, and then what will happen to the bags, they will end up getting thrown in the garbage and eventually harm innocent animals through very bad garbage disposal systems that seem to be a trend these days. Check out this article if you think crocheting plastic bag yarn is a waste of time. http://www.icis.com/blogs/icis-chemicals-confidential/files/2008/02/banish-the-bags-uk-newspaper-c.html
For me, there is little I can do about the birds and sea animals who are getting killed by these monsters (plastic bags) or about proper and ethical garbage disposal, but I can do my part and let everyone I know to either recycle your bags with the plastic recycling stuff or donate your bags to a crafter like me who will lovingly reuse them into something useful and fun. Currently I am collecting orange Sainsbury's grocery bags, and I have a bunch that I will be using to create some bags and pouches. Keep Recycling!
1 comment:
I'll have to send you our oodles of bags!
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