I am confused about my food
intolerances, but the best that I can say
is that since I was prayed for 2 Sundays ago, I seem to be healed from them. Normally when I have wheat and sugar etc. I would feel really bloated and full and yucky, but since then I have tested it out on some food here and there, and I have felt fine. Now I am just waiting for the rest of my body to catch up with my healing i.e. my skin and my weight. When I learned about my food
intolerances, I was told that they could have contributed to my acne and weight difficulties. So I am hoping for a quick recovery from all of that. I have a good few pounds to drop to be back to my comfortable weight and hopefully soon my skin will clear all the way up. We just started going to a church where people seem to get healed every week of lots of things, so I am excited, but now the whole doubt is starting to set back in. I am scared that if I am not totally healed then, me eating all these foods is actually harming my body. But I guess, the blind guy did not question when Jesus told him to wash his eyes out with mud, and then he was healed. So I should trust that if God healed me, then I should really embrace the healing and live by faith. I have had a hard time doing that my whole life, so it is still hard especially now in a new country surrounded by all new things and people and completely out of my comfort zone. It is funny because as I have been writing this post, the sky went from being completely gray to pretty sunny, so it's kind of like the rainbow promise after the flood. If I trust that healing is there, then everything will follow just like the lovely sunny day. If I trust that God will get me through this, then I will see the sun come out again! This is a tough lesson for me, since right about now I am not
really in control of anything in my life and leaving the healing of my body up to God is something scary because since the rest of my life is out of my control,
sometimes I think it would be nice to have my body under my control. But I have to give it all up! I am crying as I write this even though it's sunny out. It is really tough these days.
It seems like you are really growing spiritually over in England, and keep trusting Him.....you are a strong chica! We miss you but are so happy for you and Tim and all your new endeavors.
'But I guess, the blind guy did not question when Jesus told him to wash his eyes out with mud, and then he was healed. '
I thought the story alleges that Jesus spat on the guy (Mark 8:23)
Of course, it is just primitive superstition, of the sort you might find in any African village, where saliva is used by the witchdoctor.
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