Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Manuden "Fun" Run

Tim, Phil and I ran in the Manuden Fun Run which was a 10K involving some hills and a bit of off road running. It wasn't too bad of a run considering that we really didn't train that much for it, but the not so great thing was of course (drum roll please...) The Weather! Of course it rained during the whole run, and although it is not that cold out here at the moment, so it was not as bad as it could have been. Tim and I ran together so I am sure I slowed him down about 10 minutes because Phil finished about 10 minutes ahead of us which was my goal time, but oh well. Because of the weather, we think less people came out for the race, and as a result, there were no walkers so Tim and I actually finished about 3rd to last of the over 100 runner who did show up. Having said that, some people ran the 5K so there were less people doing the 10K. The great thing was that they were giving free massages before and after the run. So that was a pretty good deal. The pictures of us are after the race all wet and after the race wearing our race t-shirts and medals. We are glad we finished it and we are now back and warm and dry.


Anonymous said...

Great job in the 10K!!! That's an accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

I have just descovered how to follow your blog online. I am very excited. We all look very wet in the pictures.