I have been recently sending out lots of post(mail). The word is used in exactly all the instances we Americans would say mail i.e.
I will post the letter.
Put it in the post.
The postman dropped it off. etc. Well I have been recently posting my certification paperwork (with lots of money) as well as my application for membership in the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists RCLST (British professional organization for SLP/SLTs like the American Speech Language and Hearing Organization ASHA) also with lots of money. That was sad to see the money go, and I am hoping the paperwork comes back with my valid registration to work as a speech therapist here. I have also posted letters home which is nice. I have only really gotten 2 letters in the post so far, one from my mom and one from my grandmother. I would love to get some more post from home because it makes me feel like I am still in connection with home. I think the computer is great, but honestly a real letter of "snail mail" as you could call it definitely means a lot to a transplant like me. So if you are free to write a short note or anything, please don't hesitate to put it in the post. I will definitely respond with some post of my own since I am not short of time these days. By the way this photo is the postbox literally outside our front door. It is set into the stone wall that also holds a notice board where people pin up things like "Lost Dog" or some event flyer. other post boxes look like this.......
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