This is a picture of me and my brother-in-law, Phil, taken the day before I cut my hair (obviously not after because it doesn't grow that fast!). Well we were actually doing
Sudoku together, and he was teaching me how to do it. It took us nearly and hour to do the whole thing with him giving me strategies to try to work it all out. I decided I don't like
Sudoku! It seems fun, but not if it takes you an hour. I am much better with words although the crossword puzzles still get me most of the time, but in theory I still like them better. Phil was here for the funeral of Jack from next door and stayed the night in the room adjacent to me and Tim. He actually has to go through our room to get to his and then stay in there until morning, when he says, "Is it
allright if I come out?" What strange times we live in! Well anyway, in this picture I am wearing my favorite zip-up
hoodie. And I regret to inform you that it is the last time I was seen wearing it because as of Sunday night, it went missing. The mystery began with allegations that Tim moved it, or Phil maliciously stole it because he knew it was my favorite. But it was all solved
when the truth came out that Phil had indeed not even packed his bag before leaving, in fact, it was none other than my mother-in-law who actually packed Phil's bag for him (I know what you're thinking, he is probably big enough to do that himself, well you would think so but then you would understand if you knew my mother-in-law) and she accidentally put it in with the rest of Phil's clothes. But the good thing is that Phil is coming back up this way for our race on Sunday so I will be reunited with my favorite
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