Saturday, November 15, 2008

Something Familiar?

Hey, does anyone from Liquid recognize this photo? It happens to be advertising Hertfordshire Libraries, but it was used for Life Groups at Liquid if anyone remembers. I have also seen another similar picture that was used by Liquid on a website somewhere. I wonder where they get their pictures from. Anyway, I am a member of the library, but I have to confess that I haven't gotten many books there since they have a pretty small selection and nothing like what we used to do to order books in Bloomfield which was free. Here you have to pay 50 pence to order a book and I would have to pretty much order everything. So instead I have bought a few books at Charity shops and also found some friends who happen to have books I would like to read and am hoping to borrow from them. In the meantime I will keep my eyes peeled for other familiar photographs around.

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